We have all been there, if you are an entrepreneur or someone who has never owned a business before and are looking to start making money for yourself, you start examining the landscape and deciding which business is really right for you. First you hop on google.com and search "High Income Franchises" and this is what you find:

According to their FDD's, Mcdonalds tops out at 2.2 Million revenue a year with penny margins and its close with Dunkin' Donuts & Sonic. 7-Eleven, UPS, & Great Clips are about half of that with still a marginally high investment. But who has 150k-500k to jump into a franchise where you are owning your job and not owning your business? Let me elaborate
With these franchises, you are in a service industry that merely anyone can do. Customer comes in, you take order, press button, give product, rinse, repeat. Which is fine and dandy, but it's not going to make you money quickly, nor is it going to bring the satisfaction of the high performing earner who wants to make some real money.
My grandfather always said, "If you want to know where the money is, do what others are not doing."
A quick examination into the franchising realm and you will find a clear cut winner, Honest Abe Roofing. Why? It's simple, they are creating a new revenue stream within the unorganized and often untrustworthy service industry, specifically roofing.