The path toward owning your own business is not always straight; it sometimes winds, and takes unexpected turns before ultimately leading you to the right business opportunity. That was the case for Roberto Alamo, 33, of Miami, Florida. His path toward owning an Honest Abe Roofing Franchise was unique, winding, and impressive.
Roberto recently signed his Franchise Agreement after being awarded the Honest Abe Roofing Franchise territory in Miami-Dade County. Read on to get to know more about Roberto, and what lead him to own an Honest Abe Roofing franchise.
Roberto's Path to Owning an Honest Abe Roofing Franchise
Roberto was born and raised in Venezuela, and is fluent in both Spanish and English. Education was an important component of his life from an early age. He saw the value of getting a strong education for both his career, and his personal development. He was an accomplished student throughout his youth. Those accomplishments lead to his acceptance to one of Venezuela's most prestigious Engineering schools.
After graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Production Engineering from Unversidad Metropolitana (Caracas, Venezuela) in 2011, Alamo began a career as an Engineer in the Oil and Gas industry for a company that served multiple Latin American countries. During his tenure with that company he held multiple titles, which culminated with a stint as a Vice President of Corporate Development and Operations. It was in this role that he got his first taste of business ownership. Through sweat equity, he was given the opportunity to take over a new business unit for the company.
Under his direction, this new unit expanded international business, successfully entering 5 new countries and securing projects with new clients totaling $28 million in Columbia, Peru and Mexico. This established the company as the Latin-American geotechnical market leader within 2 years of it's inception. He successfully lead a team of 60 members to complete 3 offshore exploration projects, while also beating profit expectations by 20%. This success would be enough for most people, but not Roberto. He knew that he was meant for more.
In 2016, Alamo began studies at New York University in pursuit of his graduate degree in Business Administration. Once graduating with his MBA in 2018, he began work with American Express as a Strategy Senior Manager of Global Product Management. He designed and rolled out new B2B products for corporate payments and lending that is projected to lead to an increased transaction volume of $60 billion.
Since 2019, Alamo has been working as a project leader for a technology consulting group based out of Miami, Florida.
What led Roberto to Purchase an Honest Abe Roofing Franchise?
Roberto clearly has a lot of strengths, and could likely start his own business from scratch. So, why did he choose to purchase a franchise? Well, we asked him the following questions during the presentation that he gave to our Franchise Approval Team prior to being awarded the franchise territory:
Why are you starting a business?
Path to long-term financial independence.
Extreme ownership - controlling my own destiny.
Leveraging the competencies and experience the right way.
Provide customers with a great product and exceptional service.
Why Honest Abe Roofing?
Compelling Business Model
Major Competitive advantage through financing and guarantee offering.
Deep know-how and support.
Fantastic interactions and feedback from existing franchisees.
Outstanding purchasing power and demand for roofing services.
Grow metal roofing penetration in Miami.
What do you believe will be your pathway to success?
Build a team.
Marketing, marketing, marketing
Process Standardization and structure optimization.
Sales training and recruiting.
"Every existing franchisee I have spoken to has had nothing but great things to say about the level of support." - Roberto Alamo
When Roberto isn't Working, You Can Find Him Here

Roberto is married to Corina (pictured to the left), a successful digital marketer with experience at one of the top global advertising agencies. She supports this endeavor wholeheartedly (if she didn't, we wouldn't have approved him). They live in Miami and enjoy surfing, biking, boating and golfing.

We're thrilled to be able to partner with Roberto. We believe that he has the Abe-tit ude to be a successful operator, and we can't wait to see what he's capable of once he has access to our proven franchise business system. Look for more about Roberto's progress over the next few months.
Welcome to the Honest Abe Roofing Franchise team!
Franchise Opportunities
Based in Terre Haute, Indiana, Honest Abe Roofing offers franchise opportunities to qualifying entrepreneurs.
Established in 2007 by Founder and CEO Kevin Newton, Honest Abe Roofing has seen exponential growth in the last 5 years with over 20 franchise locations opening and operating. Honest Abe’s goal is to meet the needs of homeowners and provide the best solutions.
Find out how you too can open your own Honest Abe Roofing Franchise and contact us to schedule a call with a Franchise Advisor.
Last month, i contacted a roof repair company for roof replacement. They took a whole week to replace the roof and the work done by them was phenomenal.